Bicycle Safety Duck and Cover ONE GOT FAT Planet of The Apes Version 1963
Narrated by Edward Everett Horton, Produced by Interlude Films Directed by Dale Jennings.
Tinker Bell Macdilling Fiddy & Slim Jim McFutney star in a Monkey Bicycle Style film about bicycle safety for kids.
Bicycle safety rule violation 1963. Kid cyclists in ape masks... staring Rooty Toot Jasperson, Tinker Bell Macdilling Fiddy, Mossby Pomegranate, Phillip “Floog” Flugel, Trigby Phipps, Slim Jim McFutney, Nelly “Nelbert” Sweibach, Filbert Bagel, Stanislaw Higginbottom and fat old Orville Slump.
All your friends get killed or end up in hospital wrapped in bandages, so you just follow them along, scoop up their undamaged lunch - even if it's been under a steam roller, then sit in the park and "Get Fat". All the while Edward Everett Horton gives his detached narrative.
Narrated by Edward Everett Horton, Produced by Interlude Films Directed by Dale Jennings.
Cyclists bragging about their private bedroom antics, disturb disgruntled residents at their wits end with the urban gutter bike talk.
Are track bike criteriums the new Alley Cats.
Only problem is the roads will still be clogged up with lycra clad bike riders who have no idea about bikes or how to ride them.
Waste of Space Photo, iconic cycling image re-created in Australia.
ONE GOT FAT Bicycle Safety 1963 Narrated by Edward Everett Horton, Produced by Interlude Films Directed by Dale Jennings.
Gone Hell Bent For Leather roller sprint racing Brisbane Australia
How to choose the correct bicycle rim tape when cycling in various weather conditions.
Wold Pack Hustle 2012
"Shit Cyclists Say" The 2012 video with Ryan van Duzer
This attack crow gets it's kicks by stalking cyclists in a local park.